14 Sep, 2023 - 歡迎蒞臨安基司學校,2024至2025年度現正招生,截止日期為2024年6月30日

We are accepting Admissions for 2024/25 & 2025/26

2024/25學年 及 2025/26學年 現正接受申請


1. Admission Requirements 入學要求

1.1 Students usually start Year 1 in Anchors Academy from the age of 5 years & 8 months (on 1 Sept) or satisfied the EDB requirements.  



2024 - 2025


2025 - 2026

Date of Birth出生日期


Year Level年級


Date of Birth出生日期


Year Level年級

1st Jan 2018 – 31st Dec 2018


Year 1 一年級

1st Jan 2019 – 31st Dec 2019


Year 1 一年級

1st Jan 2017 – 31st Dec 2017


Year 2 二年級

1st Jan 2018 – 31st Dec 2018


Year 2 二年級

1st Jan 2016 – 31st Dec 2016


Year 3 三年級

1st Jan 2017 – 31st Dec 2017


Year 3 三年級

1st Jan 2015 – 31st Dec 2015


Year 4 四年級

1st Jan 2016 – 31st Dec 2016


Year 4 四年級

1st Jan 2014 – 31st Dec 2014


Year 5 五年級

1st Jan 2015 – 31st Dec 2015


Year 5 五年級

1st Jan 2013 – 31st Dec 2013


Year 6 六年級

1st Jan 2014 – 31st Dec 2014


Year 6 六年級


1.2 Students which are Non-Hong Kong Citizen, must have approval from the Hong Kong Immigration Department to enter, remain and study in Hong Kong. 



2. Admission Criteria and Priority 入學標準和優先順序


2.1 All applicants are expected to attend the admission interview. The purpose of the admission interview is for students to demonstrate sufficient English language skills so that they can benefit from our English-medium learning environment. Criteria for admission is as follows: 

     所有申請人都應參加入學面試。入學面試的目的是讓學生展示足夠的英語語言能力,以便他們能夠受益於我 們的以英語為授課語言的學習環境。入學評估以下項目:


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Skills 個人、社交和情感技能
  • Learning Attitude 學習態度
  • Communication Skills 溝通技能
  • Number Sense 數字感覺



3. School Fees 學費

3.1 The annual school fee for the school year 2023 – 2024 is shown in the table below:





School Fee 2023 – 2024 (10 Installments)

1 HK$138,000
2 HK$138,000
3 HK$138,000
4 HK$138,000
5 HK$138,000
6 HK$138,000


         Note: the school fee for the school year 2024-25 will have a maximum increase of 8% (subject to EDB approval).

         學年的學費加幅暫定不多於8%, 有待教育局審批。


3.2 Capital Levy – Students in Year 1-6 will pay an annual capital levy of HK $24,000 

      基本建設費 - 一至六年級的學生需支付每年HK $24,000基本建設費


3.3 Anchors Academy is a private school that does not receive any capital grant, operating funds or financial supports from the government of Hong Kong. The Capital Levy is established to finance for long term and large scale school development, such as construction, maintenance, replacement and enhancement of campus facilities, general school developments, academic collaborations and could be extend to renovation, research (where necessary).

     本校為一所沒有獲得香港政府任何形式財政資助的私立學校, 計劃中收取基本建設費款項。在有需要時用於學校長期及大規模的學校發展項目,例如校舍建設與優化、設施維修及更新、教學發展、學術合作,並可延伸至裝修及研究等。


3.4 Please note that the school fee and capital levy is to be paid by 10 instalments (From September to June).



3.5 The school fees will be collected via Direct Debit from the family’s designated local bank account.




4. Admission Process 入學流程

4.1 Upon receipt of the completed application package, an acknowledgement e-mail will be sent to the parents of the applicant.



4.2 All Application will be interviewed and parents will be informed within 2 weeks of application.



4.3 Following a successful admission interview, a place will be offered subject to availability.



4.4 Parents of applicants will be notified of their admission status in writing by email or postal mail, usually within less than 1 month from the interview date.

      家長會在面試之日起不到 1 個月內,通過電子郵件或郵寄方式收到錄取通知書。


4.5 To accept the offer, a non-refundable and non-transferable Registration Fee (1 month’s school fee) is required to confirm the acceptance within two weeks of receipt of the acceptance letter. The amount of registration fee will be credited to 10th instalment of the school fee (June's school fee)

      如要接受錄取通知書,需要在收到錄取通知書後的兩週內支付不可退還且不可轉讓的註冊費(1個月的學費)以確認接受。註冊費金額將計入第十期學費 (六月學費)。


4.6 If a student meets the requirements for the school and there are no places available, the student will remain on waiting list. Parents of applicants will be notified if a place becomes available.



4.7 Please bring a non-refundable and non-transferrable application fee of HK$1000 to the interview. A crossed cheque should be made payable to “Anchors Academy Limited”. (Post-dated cheques will not be accepted).

     在面試當天,請攜帶一張港幣1000元的劃線支票作申請費用。支票抬頭應付 Anchors Academy Limited(不接受遠期支票)


4.8 For non- online applications, please deliver the application form and all the related documents in person or by post to the following address. Please write “Application for Admission” and state the year of application on the envelope.  Anchors Academy Application for Admission e.g 2023/24



1 Ko Po Path North, Kam Tin, Yuen Long, N.T.  



  1. Withdrawal 退學

If you wish to withdraw your child during the school term, at least one full calendar month’s advance written notice must be submitted to the school on or before the first day of the month. One month’s fees (equivalent to one month school fee) will be charged in lieu of insufficient withdrawal notice.



  1. Personal Data 個人資料

All personal information provided will only be used for admission related purposes and will be treated in strict confidence. Documents submitted will not be returned to applicants. The personal information of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after one year.


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